Christina Shewell, MA, FRCSLT ADVS, is a spoken voice teacher, and speech/ language therapist, and has long working experience with a wide range of clients in both voice therapy and voice development.  She has particular expertise in working with performers, and other professional voice users. For 11 years, she was senior lecturer in voice and counselling skills at University College London, has been a staff member of major British acting schools, a coach in the business world and has spoken at many conferences. She leads a wide range of training courses, both nationally and internationally.  Christina’s book Voice Work: Art and Science in Changing Voices (2009) addresses voice work along the continuum of normal-abnormal voice, in singing, spoken voice coaching and voice pathology, and is a core text for a wide range of voice practitioners. She has a particular interest in the relevance of mindfulness and imagery in voice work and well-being, and in the links between voice, neuroscience, body and emotions. Her most recent article, Poetry, Voice, Brain and Body is published in the July 2020 Voice and Speech Review - the journal of the Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA).